Episerver CMS iconAdding links

Links are used on websites to link to content. In Episerver CMS, the following link types are available by default.

  • Page. Links from one page to another on the same website.
  • Media. Links to images, documents and other media files stored on the web server.
  • Email. Links to create an email message with the linked email address entered.
  • External. Links to content on other websites or media on file shares.
  • Anchor. Links to sections within a page, allowing readers to jump between topics on a page.

You can also use shortcuts, a specific type of link used for navigation and reusing existing website information. See All Properties editing view.

Creating a link

You can create a link in the rich-text editor through drag-and-drop (pages and media files), or by selecting text and clicking the Insert/edit link button in the toolbar, which displays the Create link dialog box.

Episerver image

  • Link title displays as descriptive text for the link, such as on mouse-over.
  • Open in lets you display the link in a new window, often used for links to external sources.
  • Language lets you link to a specific language version for content. Automatic directs visitors to the detected browsing language version.

Overview of creating different types of links:

Create link: How to: Detailed info, see:
to page in CMS Drag and drop from page tree.
From Create link dialog box, select Page or External link.
Linking to a page on the same website
to page on another website From Create link dialog box, select External link. Linking to a page on an external website
to file in CMS Drag and drop from Media folder.
From Create link dialog box, select Media.
Linking to files in Media
to file on file server or another website From Create link dialog box, select External link. Linking to files on a file server or an external website
to email address From Create link dialog box, select E-mail. Linking to an email address
to specific location on a page (anchor link) Insert anchor from toolbar, and then from Create link dialog box, select Anchor. Creating anchor links
from image From Create link dialog box, select any of the Page, Media, E-mail or External link option. Linking from an image

Link properties

The following examples show common implementations of link functionality on websites, with functionality similar to what is described for the link dialog above.

Image link

When you add images to content areas intended for images or blocks and so on, instead of adding the image in the rich-text editor, you can use an image link property which lets you select an image from a folder in Media, automatically placing it properly in the content area. See Adding and editing images.

Link collection

A link collection is a property where you can manage a group of links.

You can create links by dropping pages or media files in the link collection area, or by creating links through the link dialog. You can create links for pages, media files, external sources and email addresses. You can move links to change the order in which they appear.

You can also edit the displayed name of the link.

Episerver imageLinking to catalog entries

If you have Episerver Commerce installed, the link dialog box contains an option to select items from the product catalog when you create links. See Manage content in the Commerce section of this user guide.