Episerver CMS iconManaging website languages

Note:   This topic is intended for administrators and developers with administration access rights in Episerver.

Editors can create content in a particular language after you add and activate the language, and set an access level for a language. This prevents unauthorized editors from creating or editing pages in that language.

Note:   When an editor copies a page, all language versions are copied regardless of the editor's language rights. This means that if an editor with access rights to English only, copies a page that exists in English and French and pastes that somewhere, both language versions are copied.

Language overview

Go to the Config tab > Manage Website Languages. The installed website languages appear. You can see which languages are enabled for active editing in edit view, and the order in which languages are available. You can adjust the order of the languages using the arrows to the left of the language. To change a language's settings, click its name.

Episerver image

Adding and enabling languages

Before an editor can edit content in different languages, you need to add and enable the languages in the admin view and then enable them for editing in the CMS edit view.

Deleting an existing language

Remove a language from the website by opening the language for editing, and clearing the Enabled option.