Marketing Automation

Note:   Episerver Connect for Marketing Automation is an add-on for the Episerver Digital Experience platform. It requires a specific installation and license, contact your system administrator to find out more. See Episerver World for technical information.

To use the Episerver Forms connectors, you must first install Connect for Campaign, or one or more of the Marketing Automation connectors, and then the Episerver Forms connector. See Configuring the MAI connector in the Episerver Forms Developer Guide.

Episerver Connect for Marketing Automation lets marketers automate marketing activities based on the behavior of website visitors. Marketers can manage an online presence and deliver timely, relevant content to a target audience across channels and devices by combining Web Content Management (WCMWeb Content Management; system and procedures for managing online content.) with marketing automation. Marketers can create mobile campaigns, landing pages, and target groups of people for email notifications.

Marketing automation tracks website visitor behavior and collects profile data. For example, when a visitor submits a form, (created with Episerver Forms perhaps to receive a newsletter subscription), the form data is automatically stored in Episerver Campaign or your connector database. You can use that data for marketing actions, such as welcoming a new customer, engaging in cross-selling, rewarding your best customers, or following up on recent purchases. You can connect form fields with the connector's or Episerver Campaign's database by using the Episerver Forms Marketing Automation connector.

Episerver Connect for Marketing Automation provides the following functionality:

Note:   System administrators should be aware of the Fetch data from Marketing Connectors scheduled job. It improves the performance of Marketing Automation connectors by fetching and caching databases and lists (wherever applicable) upon site initialization.