System settings

Note:   This topic is intended for administrators and developers with administration access rights in Episerver.

System settings let you define certain settings for the Episerver CMS installation, such as to activate globalization, change the error handling, and configure version management of content.

General tab

Image: System Settings screen

Setting Description
Error handling in Episerver CMS Select how you want errors to be handled; active for all visitors, remote visitors, or disabled.
Handler for subscription updates The subscription function in Episerver lets visitors receive information about new and updated pages. Depending on whether multi-language is supported, you can select how the subscription dispatch is managed. This list can also include your own solutions for the subscription function.
Encrypt the connectionStrings.config file Select to encrypt the connectionStrings.config file, which contains sensitive information sent to and from the database.
Enable globalization Select to activate management of content in multiple languages (globalization).
Detect language via browser’s language preference Select to activate languages to be shown based upon the visitor’s browser settings.
Disable deletion of content versions Select to disable the ability of editors to delete versions of pages, blocks and files. Selecting this also disables the automatic deletion of versions caused by the Maximum number of versions field on the Editing tab.

Editing tab

Image: System settings, Editing tab

Setting Description
Path to CSS file for the rich-text editor Controls the styling options (such as heading levels and so on) available to the editor in the rich-text editor. This can be the same or similar CSS file as the site uses for styling content so that the editors get the same appearance as the site when editing content.
Maximum number of versions

Specify the number of previously-published versions of content items (for example, pages or blocks) that are stored. The currently-published version and draft versions are not counted.

Default value is 20 versions. The scheduled job Trim content versions checks this setting and removes any Previously published versions above this number. Oldest versions are removed first.

This field is ignored if the Unlimited versions or Disable deletion of content versions box is selected.

Unlimited versions Stores an unlimited number of versions of content items (such as pages or blocks). This option may result in a large version list, which can be difficult to use unless you manually delete unwanted versions.
If you check this, the value in the Maximum number of versions field is ignored.
Auto publish media on upload

Select to automatically publish and index media when uploaded to the website.

Note:  If a user uploads media but does not have publishing rights in the folder to which the media is uploaded, then the uploaded documents are not published (for example, images are not displayed when used in content). Ensure that editors who upload media also have the proper access rights set in the media folder structure.

Also, if this check box is selected and an editor (with the proper access rights) uploads media, it is published and indexed immediately, so can be found by search engines, even if no published page contains links to the media.

If the projects feature is enabled and the editor has a project selected when uploading media, this setting is ignored. The uploaded media is associated with the project instead, and must be manually published or published via scheduling.