Analyzing search statistics

Episerver Find collects statistics from site visitor activity and displays them in the Statistics View, where you can analyze the activity.

Statistics are scarce for a new website, but as your site matures and captures more search behavior, you can analyze the information to optimize the search experience.

Note:  You need specific access rights to access features in Episerver Find.

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The statistics view displays popular searches during a selected time period and reveals if matching content was found. You can filter search information by time interval, website, and language.

  • Most frequent searches. Phrases searched for most often.
  • Searches without hits. Phrases most often searched for and for which no results were found.
  • Searches without relevant hits. Searches that generated hits but had a low click-through rate. Phrases that are most frequently searched for and for which search results are clicked the least appear at the top.

If you click a search phraseOne or more words that a user enters into a search box to begin a search. in a list, a new window appears, containing the following information.

  • matching search results (when using Most frequent searches view)
  • other searches performed by the visitor who submitted that search phrase

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From Statistics view, you can select one or more search phrases and switch to the optimization interface to work with best bets, related queries, or synonyms.

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