Shopware integration

Note:  Available only in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

Note:  This topic is for administrators and developers with administration access rights in Episerver Campaign.

If you are using Shopware as an e-commerce platform, you can integrate Episerver Campaign to connect e-commerce and customer communication marketing activities.

With Shopware integration, customers can subscribe and unsubscribe to newsletters directly in your shop. The integration transfers customer data received during registration to Episerver Campaign so that you can use the information to personalize emails. You can also automatically send transactional emails like order confirmations and invoices. When registered customers change their data in the shop, customer data is synchronized. The integration also lets you transfer the product catalog to Episerver Campaign daily and supports the connection of multiple shops.

You get the following features on Shopware Professional 5.1 – 5.4 and Shopware Professional Plus 5.1 – 5.4

  • Newsletter subscription and unsubscribes
  • Transactional mails via HTTP API
  • Export product catalogs into Episerver Campaign

Setting up the integration

To set up the Shopware integration in your client, contact customer support and request the integration software package.

Provide Episerver with the following information:

If you are integrating multiple shops, you may need:

  • Separate clients for the individual shops.
  • A separate client for your transactional emails.
  • Setup of a recipient-list-based newsletter subscription.