Log in and out

First login

Note:  Before your first login, activate your account by referencing two emails from Episerver: an activation email containing your personal activation key and a second confirmation email.

  1. Open the activation email and click Activate user account.
  2. Enter the activation key provided in the second email, then click Continue.
  3. Complete the fields and click Continue.
  4. Create a password and a PIN and click Save.

    After you complete the entries, you receive another email asking you to confirm your activation.

  5. In that email, click Confirm activation.

    You can now log into Episerver Campaign at http://www.campaign.episerver.net/.


Use the login screen to verify your identity and prevent malware intrusion.

  1. Go to www.campaign.episerver.net.
  2. Enter your user name and password.
  3. Into the row labeled PIN, enter digits of your PIN in the open positions by clicking numbers on the onscreen keyboard.

    Note:  The virtual keyboard's numbers are in random order.

    For example, if your PIN is 123456 and the login screen appears as below, enter 1 into the first position (from the left) and 3 into the third position. Notice that positions 2 and 4-6 are filled with black dots, indicating you do not need to enter those characters.

    Image: Login window

  4. Click Log in.

If your browser or the network from which you are accessing Episerver Campaign does not support SSL, contact customer support.

If you forget your user name, password or PIN, contact the person at your company from whom you received your login data or Episerver customer support.

Logging out

End each session by clicking Logout to prevent third parties from accessing the system.