Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration

Note:  This topic is for administrators and developers with administration access rights in Episerver Campaign.

With the integration you can send campaigns from Microsoft Dynamics CRM via Episerver Campaign. Send large information volumes securely via fax, print, email and SMS.

Add contactsCommerce: An individual with personalized information (name, address, email, and so on), created when a user on the front-end registers to make a purchase. You can also manually create a contact account from the back-end, assign the contact to organizations or organization units, and assign permissions based on role. and leads to a campaign, and use contact data for automatic personalized mailings in Episerver Campaign. Start campaign mailings in Microsoft Dynamics, and receive reports with sent and returned response data (opens, clicks, direct replies, outbounces and unsubscribes).

You can copy CRMStands for "customer relationship management"; a system for managing interactions with current and future customers, including support for sales, marketing, customer service and technical services. marketing lists into Episerver Campaign recipient lists, and automatically include new CRM contacts in a Marketing AutomationFeature for creating automated, multilevel campaigns. campaign to for example send welcome and birthday mailings.

Features and supported versions

Feature Microsoft Dynamics 365 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013
Episerver Campaign management
Transfer of recipient data
Copy marketing lists into Episerver Campaign
Transfer of returned emails/response data
Synchronize unsubscribes and outbounces

Setting up the integration

To set up the Microsoft Dynamics integration, contact customer support to get the integration software package.

Provide Episerver with the following information:

See Troubleshooting and maintenance if there are issues with the integration.

These instructions apply to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 online version. Procedures are similar for on-premises versions.