Promoting on anniversaries

Anniversaries are opportunities to contact your customers and maybe include a coupon. You can use the dates of registering with your site, newsletter signup, or a birthday, provided in an optional form field.

For example, set up a target groupSubset of recipients defined by rules and conditions and a logic relationship between them. For example, all recipients in the United Kingdom. formatted as recipient list field: birthday: is anniversary. You may want to include a personalized image and coupon in a birthday mailing. Create three mailings:

  • one with an image for men
  • one with an image for women
  • one (labeled "fallback" in the image below) with a neutral image for recipients whose gender is unknown

The following steps set up this example.

  1. Use the Advanced nodeCampaign: Item that determines when a recipient passes through the campaign, and the actions that are executed for the recipient. With the help of "connections", you can link nodes to specify the process of your campaign. The arrow at the end of each connection always points to the next node and the associated action. as the starting node. This queries target groups at set intervals. With birthday mailings, a target group should be screened daily for has birthday.
  2. Create a branch node to sort recipients by gender.
  3. Each group receives the appropriate birthday mailing.
  4. Recipients whose gender is unknown receive the third mailing.

You may set up an anniversary campaign in the same manner. Change the target group to has anniversary.

Image: Birthday mailing