
The Goals view shows conversions. Goals are set up during the Content Recommendations implementation.

A goal is set of behaviors that you want someone to perform, such as filling out a form, requests for demos, downloading a resource, or viewing three pages on the Financial site. Use goals to understand visitor interests, based on how many visitors meet the goal's rules. If many people view pages that contain related topics, they may be very interested in a larger topic such as Retirement planning.

Developers create goals using JavaScript. See Creating goals and tracking conversions on Episerver World for more information.

You can filter and save a Goals view for frequent use, and share a view with a linked URL. Saved filters are shown in the All Goals menu.

Image: goals view

The New Conversions view shows the number of Conversions and Users Converted. The graph shows when conversions occur.

The Profile tab shows an aggregate view of topics and their relevance to the interest profiles who converted on the goal.

Image: goal conversions view

Date labels are in dd/mm format.

Creating goals and tracking conversions

You can track conversions against a goalContent Recommendations: A set of behaviors that you want someone to perform, such as filling out a form, requests for demos, downloading a resource, or viewing three pages on the Financial site. This helps to determine how interested a visitor is in the content. The idea is that people who view three pages on a financial site may be very interested in, say, Retirement planning. by tracking a convert event.

The goal name must be less than 255 characters in length. If the goal does not already exist, it will be created.

For example, you could record a conversion against the 'Subscribed to Newsletter' goal:

_iaq.push(['goal', 'Subscribed to Newsletter']);
_iaq.push(['track', 'convert']);