Activity overview

To enable this feature, contact customer support.

The activity overview shows mailings for a defined period. The view's information helps you evaluate marketing activities, such as which customer dialogs you have sent, are currently sending, and are about to send. Transactional mailsAn email triggered by a recipient action (such as an order or purchase) or event (such as an anniversary). It is sent out subsequent to the event., registration confirmations and running Marketing Automations are also supported.

If your company has subsidiaries, branches, or affiliate companies, you can plan, steer, and control campaigns from your branches and associated companies using the activity overview.

The activity overview display has four areas:

Image: Activity overview layout

Area 1: Select client

  1. Open the start menuMain screen in Episerver Campaign, where the available options are grouped together. and select Analytics > Activity overview. The Activity overview window opens.
  2. In the Select clients list, choose one or more clients to display in the overview.
    • The client you to which are logged in is selected. To stop analyzing this client, clear the corresponding check box.
    • If you want to select clients of your user account, select the check box on the upper left, in the list header.

Area 2: Select period

To select the period for which to display marketing activities, perform one of the following steps.

  • Click a button: last 30 days, last 14 days, last 7 days, current week, next 7 days, next 14 days or next 30 days.
  • Select the Start date and End date with the date selector.
  • Drag the date slide to the desired start and end dates.

    Entering a time period has no effect on the action data displayed (openings, clicks, bouncesHard bounces occur when an email cannot be delivered due to a permanent error (for example because the email address no longer exists)., subscription cancellations) nor on the number of recipients shown in the transactional mail and registration confirmation overviews. The action data displayed and the number of recipients represent the value for the entire time period in which a transactional mail or registration confirmation is, or was, active.

Area 3: Filter mailings and campaigns

To filter for campaigns and messages, media type (marketing channelChannel through which advertising messages or information are transmitted to customers and prospects. For example, email, SMS, print or push.), or mailing status, perform the following steps:

  • Campaigns and messages. Select mailings or Marketing Automation campaigns.

    Transactional mails include Marketing Automation mailings. To include mailings from Marketing Automation campaigns in the activity overview, check the box next to Transactional mails.

  • Media types. Select media types to include in the activity overview.
  • Mailing status. Select the mailing statuses to include in the activity overview.

Area 4: Open activity overview and other features

If you selected at least one client, mailing type, media type (marketing channelChannel through which advertising messages or information are transmitted to customers and prospects. For example, email, SMS, print or push.) and mailing status, the activity overview appears in area 4. The activity overview is automatically updated if you change settings in areas 1, 2 or 3.

The following buttons let you perform actions on the overview.

  • Preview. Mark the mailing that you want the content preview to show and click Preview.
  • Analysis. Mark the campaign for which you want to open the campaign analysis and click Analysis.
  • Edit. Mark the element for which you want to open the edit window and click Edit.

    This function only applies to mailings that have not been sent yet.

  • Pause.
    • Smart Campaigns: In the Smart Campaigns messages overview, select messages in status Sending. Click Pause. Paused mailings can only be restarted in the Smart Campaigns overview of the corresponding client.

      Mailings that have not started yet will only be displayed if the corresponding campaign has a Wait- or A/B test node with a send date within the selected time period.

    • Marketing Automation: In the Marketing Automation campaigns overview, select campaigns in status Running. Click Pause. Paused Marketing Automations can only be restarted in the Marketing Automation overview of the corresponding client.

      The time period you selected in area 2 will be ignored when filtering Marketing Automation campaigns.

  • Deactivate. In the Smart Campaigns messages overview, select mailings in status Activated. Click Deactivate.

    When deactivating a mailing, the complete campaign the mailing belongs to and all of the campaign's mailings will change status to Activation required. The campaigns can only be reactivated in the Smart Campaigns overview of the corresponding client.