Browsing orders

Customers create the majority of orders on the front-end in an web shop, and you likely have a significant amount of orders in your system. Optimizely Commerce lets you browse and search orders in several ways.

  • Filter and search orders by customer, status, market, date range and other properties.
  • Use wildcards to limit search results.
  • Preview orders while browsing.
  • Viewing orders per market.

Searching and viewing orders

Go to Commerce ManagerOne of several main user interfaces in Optimizely Commerce. This UI area, available from the top menu after logging in, provides screens for managing markets, customers, catalog, orders, and so on. You can manage the information on some Commerce Manager screens in other, newer user interfaces. Where possible, we recommend using the newer ones. > Order Management and click Order Search.

Search filtering options include markets and customer contact details. You can use wildcards ("*") to indicate partial search such as for a customer name. You can click column headers to sort the order list.

Image: Order list

When browsing orders, you can for example see information about order creation date, market, and from where the order derives.

Order summary preview

Click the Order Summary icon next to the purchase order ID to display a summary of the order information.

Image: Order summary

Viewing orders by time range or status

Using the options under Purchase Orders in the left column you can view orders by time range. You can for example display orders using Last 7 days and Last 30 days, to see the last orders from the previous month, in the beginning of a month.

Image: Filtering by time range

Using the options under Purchase Orders By Status in the left column you can view orders by status.

Viewing orders per market

When viewing purchase orders, carts or payment plans, you can filter all views via a drop-down list per market to work with items for a specific market.

Image: Filtering orders per market