Tax categories

This topic is intended for administrators and developers with administration access rights in Optimizely.

A tax category for a catalogCommerce: a top-level container for catalog entries such as categories, products, and variants (SKUs). works in coordination with your tax configuration setup for orders, which includes specific taxes such as state, local, and federal taxes. You can add a luxury items tax categoryCMS: A built-in Optimizely property. You apply a category to content, but you need to build the functionality to display the filtered results. Commerce: A grouping of purchasable products. (Same as node.) for specific productCommerce: various forms of merchandise that you can display and purchase from the public site, including products, variations/SKUs, bundles, and packages. Also known as a catalog entry., or VATStands for "value-added tax"; a consumption tax on a product added at the point of sale. for different regions. See Tax configuration.

  1. Open Commerce ManagerOne of several main user interfaces in Optimizely Commerce. This UI area, available from the top menu after logging in, provides screens for managing markets, customers, catalog, orders, and so on. You can manage the information on some Commerce Manager screens in other, newer user interfaces. Where possible, we recommend using the newer ones. and go to Administration > Catalog System > Tax Categories. A list of existing tax categories appears.

    Image: Selecting Tax Categories

  2. Click New to create a new category. A dialog box appears. In the Tax Category Name field, enter a name and click OK to save the tax category.

Deleting a tax category

To delete a tax category, click the Delete icon next to the item in the Tax Categories List. To delete multiple items, select the check boxes next to items, click More Actions > Delete Selected.