You are here: Admin Mode > Working with Authorization > Create and Synchronize Groups > Groups Created in Windows

Groups Created in Windows

It is common practice to use groups and users from Windows if EPiServer CMS is used for example in an intranet. All employees usually already have an account in Windows; they also have group affiliations that can be used. Usually all those visiting the intranet are automatically identified using a log in on the computer and the network.

When you use groups and users from Windows in EPiServer CMS, you manage the entire administration process, including user names, passwords and group affiliation in Windows. When you then give them specific access rights in EPiServer CMS, you do this via EPiServer CMS Admin mode.

If a user has logged in to the website it is possible to find the group in EPiServer and it is thus possible to set specific access rights for the group. If you create a new group in Windows, which you want to use in EPiServer CMS you must start by logging in with one of the users. Then log in as an administrator and you will find the group in EPiServer CMS Admin mode.