You are here: Admin Mode > Working with Authorization > Setting Access Rights in the Tree Structure > Changing Access Rights for One or More Groups in the Structure

Changing Access Rights for One or More Groups in the Structure

It is possible to make changes to a tree structure with an existing access rights structure. There can, for example, be a group of editors who have not previously had access rights to publish their pages, but will now be able to.

  1. Select Set Access Rights on the Admin tab. The tree structure is displayed in the lower section of the window.
  2. Select the page in the tree structure for which you want to edit the access rights. When the page is highlighted, the name of the page is formatted with a dark gray background.
  3. Those groups and users that have access rights to the highlighted page are shown with the most recently saved access rights above the structure. Clear/select the access right(s) you want to add/delete for the group. The entire group is selected when you click one of the check boxes. EPiServer CMS interprets this as that you want to change this group.
  4. Save the new access rights by clicking Save above the groups. If you want the access rights to apply to the current page and its sub pages, select the Apply settings for sub pages check box before you save. If you do not select this, you will only save the access rights on the highlighted page.

Remember that you only affect the groups that are highlighted. The groups that are not highlighted when you click Save will remain unchanged, irrespective of previous settings. It is therefore important that you do not highlight a group by mistake that you do not want to affect.