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EPiServer CMS Web Help

EPiServer CMS features a web help system, which can be access from the ? icon at the top of the OnlineCenter window. The web help is a set of HTML pages, which are stored in the same folder as the other EPiServer CMS application files, i.e. C:\Program Files\EPiServer\CMS\<version>\Application\UI\Help. The web help for OnlineCenter is located under C:\Program Files\EPiServer\Framework\<version>\Application\UI\Help.

The pages are linked to the relevant page in EPiServer CMS and the context-sensitive web help is opened by clicking the Help icon (?) on the appropriate page. All functions in EPiServer CMS have their own .aspx page. By creating an HTML page with the same name and storing it in the Help directory, a question mark will appear on the page. This means that the editor can click the question mark and receive support when working.