You are here: Admin Mode > Customize Edit Mode > Categories in Edit Mode

Categories in Edit Mode

Categories in EPiServer CMS can be used in various ways. It is common to categorize all information in order to achieve an advanced search function or to achieve a personalized list of the pages that interest the visitor most. Not all websites use categories but for those that do, the categories that the editor may use are defined using the Edit categories function. It is possible to specify categories that are to be visible to, and selectable by, the editor here. If the category cannot be selected, it will only appear as a heading.

Add a new category as follows:

  1. Select Edit Categories on the Admin tab.
  2. Click Add to add new main categories.
  3. Specify a name in the Name field. This name is used when programming.
  4. Enter a description in the Description field. This name is seen by the editors when selecting a category. These fields can also be language encoded.
  5. Click Save.

Edit category button Click the Edit button to edit information about a category.

Add category button Add a category under the selected category. Note that no changes will be made until you click Save after the category.

Move category up button Move category up the list.

Move category down button Move category down the list.

Delete category button Delete a category from the list.