You are here: Commerce Manager > Order Management > Order Workflow > Searching for Orders

Searching for Orders

The Catalog Search function enables you look for specific sales items stored in EPiServer Commerce.

Click on Order Management and then Order Search

Using Order Search to Find Existing Purchase Orders

Order Search allows you to find existing orders, giving you six different search filters to help refine your search results. You can click on the ID number of the order to view it.

Filter Name


Class Type

Select "Purchase Orders" on the drop-down list. Otherwise, if you want to search for a specific shopping cart or payment plan, select those.


You can filter results by their statuses. For example, if you want to find only completed purchase orders, select from the drop-down list "Completed".

Available status options are:

  • OnHold
  • PartiallyShipped
  • InProgress
  • Completed
  • Cancelled
  • AwaitingExchange

Date Range

You can select from date ranges from "today," "last week," or "this month."

Return #

Enter the return number of a purchase order if a return was created for that particular order.


You can specify the order ID. Orders created out of the box with EPiServer Commerce are typically numbered as PO####.


Enter a customer name and the search results will return only orders filtered by the specified name.

Click on Search to being your search query. The desired results appear below. The results are broken down by five column fields:

You can sort results by ID, Customer, Total, or Status.

Viewing Purchase Orders by Date or Status

In the left navigation menu, you can click on the nodes below Purchase Orders and Purchase Orders by Status. For example, clicking on Purchase Orders > Today will show the orders created today only on the right window.

Moreover, you can view orders within the Order List by status. For example, click on Purchase Orders by Status > InProgress to view orders with that status.


Version: EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP2| Last updated: 2012-09-20 | Copyright © EPiServer AB | Send feedback to us