You are here: Sample Site > Page Templates > Home Page > Content Tab

Content Tab

Below are the properties that can be changed in Edit mode under the Content tab of the home page.


The name of the page, as displayed in the page tree.

About Us Page

Provides linking to display content from the About Us page section stored in [Footer Container].

Deliveries Page

Provides linking to display content from the Multiple Deliveries page stored in [Content Pages].

Corporate Page

Provides linking to display content from the Corporate page stored in [Content Pages].

Main Advertise

Provides an editor area for adding editorial content to the main advertisement area at the top of the home page.

Bottom Advertise

Provides an editor area for adding editorial content to the advertisement area at the bottom of the home page

About Us Image

Provides linking to an image to be displayed with the "About Us" section on the home page.


Version: EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP2| Last updated: 2012-09-20 | Copyright © EPiServer AB | Send feedback to us