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Social Features

Facebook Integration

The EPiServer Commerce sample site has a built-in Facebook integration, allowing users to share "likings" of any product in the product catalog. This is a powerful way to promote the marketing of products in one of the largest social community networks.

Reviewing and Commenting

Customers that are logged on to the EPiServer Commerce sample site have the possibility to add product reviews by providing comments and rate the products. The resulting reviews are displayed for instance in the right-hand section of the page, as well as for each product.

The reviews will be displayed to all visitors to the site regardless of whether they are logged on or not. Only the three latest reviews will be displayed at the same time, with the possibility to see all reviews if desired.

Adding Comments

When selecting a product, there will be an Add a review option available where a comment can be added as well as a rating (1-5). A user can rate a product, but only once. The average score of the ratings will be displayed as the rating for that product.

Logged on users can remove their own comments using the Remove option.

Approving comments

The sample site is configured so that comments added will receive status "pending" and must be approved by the site administrator before they are made visible to others on the site. The approval is done from the dashboard using the Approval Gadget. Commerce Manager administrators can see the status for each comment, and remove all comments, from the display for each product.

Abuse reporting of comments

When logged on to the website, you can abuse report comments that others have posted for a product. This is done using the Report as Inappropriate option on the review section for a product. Site administrators can then monitor inappropriate content using the Abuse Gadget on the dashboard. When a comment is reported as inappropriate, it will generate an item in the list of abuse reports for the site administrator to manage.


The EPiServer Commerce sample site includes functionality for assigning experts to be involved in rating and reviewing of products. An expert is someone with thorough product knowledge and trusted by the community. From the Admin mode in EPiServer CMS, website administrators can assign the "Expert" role to registered users on the site. Expert’s reviews will be highlighted and will appear in the top of review list.


Version: EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP2| Last updated: 2012-09-20 | Copyright © EPiServer AB | Send feedback to us