You are here: Commerce Manager > System Administration > Catalog System > Warehouses


A Warehouse is the physical place with an address from which product items are shipped. In EPiServer Commerce you can define

a list of warehouses to be available in the e-commerce process.

You can only associate one single warehouse for every SKU. So when you are creating a new SKU, you will have to specify the warehouse where the item is being stored, within the Pricing/Inventory tab.

To access warehouses, navigate to Administration > Expand Catalog System > Warehouses.

The Warehouse List page appears. The sample site has a default example warehouse called "Default Warehouse". To create a new warehouse, click on New Warehouse on the menu bar.

The Warehouse Edit page has two tabs: Overview and Address.

  1. Under the Overview tab enter in a Name and Code. The Name and Code name can have spaces in between characters.
  2. Enter in a value for the Sort Order to determine the Warehouse's position on the Warehouse List.
  3. Under Available select "Yes" or "No."
  4. Under Is Primary select whether or not this Warehouse is the primary one. You can only have one primary Warehouse.

  5. Under the Address tab, enter all relevant information regarding this Warehouse.

  6. Once you are satisfied with your entries, click on OK to save the Warehouse. Otherwise, click Cancel to go back to the Warehouse List page. The new Warehouse will appear on the list.

To delete a Warehouse, place a check mark on the box next to the name of the Warehouse and the click on More Actions on the menu bar.

Confirm deletion by clicking OK on the pop-up window. Otherwise, click Cancel to go back.


Version: EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP2| Last updated: 2012-09-20 | Copyright © EPiServer AB | Send feedback to us