
IMPORTANT: Starting from release 8.6, the MetadataList server control was replaced by the FrameworkUI: <ektron:ContentView> templated server control. If you are already using the MetadataList server control, you can continue to do so, but Ektron recommends using current versions of functionality.

The MetadataList server control creates lists based on Keyword Names and Keyword Values contained within content metadata. The list can display the information as a list of hyperlinks. You can choose, based on properties you set, to display the summarya short description that supplements a content item's title on a Web page. Content authors compose a summary when creating or editing content. Server controls and widgets can display a content title and summary to attract readers to the full story. Summaries can include images and text formatting. and how to order the display. See also: Working with Metadata.

NOTE: On a PageBuilder page, you can insert a metadata list using the MetaDataList widget. See also: Creating and Using Widgets.