Configure settings in Optimizely PIM


Use settings to customize your experience in Optimizely PIM. Some settings, like the Property used for product assignment setting, are about assigning products to the right PIM users to support your workflow and governance. Others, like the Image size settings, help you manage your assets to support the design of your website.

Best Practices

You cannot set the Property used for product assignment setting until after you have created your properties, but you should set it before you add users to the system.

Your image sizes must be set before you import image assets. If you change the default image size later, this will not adjust your images. If your image does not match the defined size, it will first resize to the largest side indicated in the setting, and then resize the rest of the image in proportion to the largest size.

Use Case

Carrie's merchandising team breaks out product assignments by Brand, so she wants to be sure the system also assigned products by Brand. She goes to Configure > Settings, selects the Brand property from the Property used for product assignment drop-down list and saves this change.

Configure Settings

  1. Click Configure in the taskbar and select the Settings tab.
  2. Use the Property used for product assignment drop-down to select an existing property with the Data Type of String. This is the property that will drive product assignment to users.
  3. Turn the toggle Enable auto-submission of products for approval on. This allows users to auto-submit products for approval once they fill in all required information.
  4. Set the Small, Medium, and Large Product Image Sizes by adjusting the dimensions listed. The small image cannot be larger than the medium image, which cannot be larger than the large image. The maximum image size is 2000 x 2000.

Any imagesyou import will retain their aspect ratio when resized. For example, if the original image has dimensions of 1800 x 1200 px, retaining the 3:2 ratio resizes the image to 900 x 600 px for the large size.