
The Properties view lets you create unique tracking scripts for your site.

Your onboarding manager typically provides this. This feature is not commonly used.

Image: Properties view

You can add a web property.

Image: Add web property button

The Add Web Property view has the following fields.

Image: Add web property

When you click Save, the Tracking Javascript view appears. This view has on-screen instructions to help you set up the property.

Image: Tracking JavaScript view: Options

  • User identification. Select the option that best describes the visitors of this property. In most cases, select the default option.
  • Automatic Event Tracking. Enable only if your site loads content dynamically.
  • PDF Tracking. Experimental. Enable to track PDF files.

Image: Tracking JavaScript view: Installation and Usage

  • Caveats. Contact Optimizely for a custom solution.
  • Canonical Tags. See Consolidate duplicate URLs.
  • Published Dates. Add article meta tags to your webpage. See
  • Include code. Add the following JavaScript code in the <head> tags.

    You need this only if you are deploying with a manual installation. You do not need to deploy a tracking script again via manual installation if Content Recommendations was installed from a NuGet package, because tracking is included in that installation.

    Image: Tracking JavaScript view: Include code

  • Track Events. Optionally, add event calls (consume, like, dislike, share, comment, group, and exit) to the webpage to track other personalization events.
  • Tracking Conversions. Optionally, add a convert event to the webpage to track conversions.

    Content Recommendations cannot ingest granular conversion-level data, such as Order ID, price, and so on.

    Tracking JavaScript view: Optional functionality

Click Done at the top of the view.

To return to the Web Property view, click Tracking JavaScript in the right pane. Click Edit (the pencil icon) to update settings, such as for updating or removing hostnames.

Image: Tracking JavaScript button