You are here: Admin Mode > Customize Edit Mode > Configuring the HTML Editor

Configuring the HTML Editor

Properties based on property type "XHTML String (>255)" will result in an HTML Editor, which can be configured so that you can choose which buttons will be available. The Editor in a standard installation of EPiServer CMS, is a customized version of the open source editor TinyMCE. This Editor has many functions, is easy for developers to customize and supports all the browsers supported by EPiServer CMS.

The documentation for EPiServer CMS describes the integrated TinyMCE Editor as it appears in a standard installation, with a selection of functions being available. There are however additional functions, which can be incorporated into the Editor from Admin mode. Refer to the official TinyMCE website for further information about these functions.

The Editor can easily be adapted to suit different groups of editors making different buttons available depending on the functionality required. It is also possible to change the size of the Editor dialog. To change the settings of the Editor, you must firstly have configured the property to use property type "XHTML String (>255)". This will enable the fields in the Custom Settings tab.

There are two kinds of settings used to change the layout and buttons available in the Editor: global settings and custom settings. The layout of the Editor toolbar is configured in the same way regardless of the type of setting.

Change the layout of the Editor

  1. Enter the required width and height of the Editor (in pixels) in the Height and Width fields.
  2. The Content CSS Path field contains the path to the cascading style sheet that is to be used in the Editor.
  3. Configure the layout of the Editor by dragging and dropping the icons that you want to be available from the Editor Toolbar designer to and from the Inactive tools section.
  4. Remove an icon by dragging it from the toolbar designer and dropping it in the Inactive tools section. The icon will automatically be placed in the category to which it belongs.
  5. Add an icon to the Editor by dragging it from the Inactive tools section to the desired position in the toolbar designer.
  6. Add and remove rows from the Editor by clicking Add Row and Remove Last Row. The easiest way to clear all the icons from the toolbar designer and start from scratch is by clicking Clear Rows.
  7. Configure the plug-ins to be used in the Editor and click Save.

Global Settings

Custom Settings

Editor Plug-ins

Non-Standard Editor Buttons