You are here: Admin Mode > Customize Edit Mode > Configuring the HTML Editor > Global Settings 

Global Settings 

Global settings are used to change the layout and the buttons in the Editor toolbar for a property and can either be used on all page types as a default or on only one page type. You can have as many global settings as you like on your website, making it possible to create an Editor suitable for all editors working with the website.

Configure a global setting for the XHTML String (>255) property

When you apply a global setting to all properties based on the XHTML String (>255) property type, all the Editors on the website using a global setting will be based on this, unless stated that they should be based on another global setting or a custom setting.

  1. On the Page Type tab in Admin mode, select Edit Custom Property Types and click Add Setting.
  2. Enter a name for the global setting, generally a descriptive name so that you know what the global setting refers to.
  3. Change the layout of the Editor, configure the plug-ins and click Save.
  4. The global setting appears in a list and you can select to set one of the settings as default by clicking Set as Default. This means that it will be used for all the Editor on the website unless another setting has been chosen for the property in a certain page type.

If you do not configure a global setting as default, the properties will use the standard toolbar set at installation.

Configure global settings for a property on a page type

It is also possible to configure the global settings for a property on a page type so that one of the global settings is used, but only on this property and on this page type.

  1. Open the page type for which you want to change the global settings on the Page Type tab in Admin mode.
  2. Click the property you want to configure and select the Custom Settings tab.
  3. Select the Use global settings check box and select Use default settings if you want to use the default settings for the property.
  4. Create a new global setting for the property by clicking Manage global settings. Add a global setting by following the instructions on how to configure a global setting for the XHTML String (>255).
  5. Change the layout of the Editor, configure the plug-ins and click Save.
  6. Change the global setting in the drop-down list. Click Save.

Delete a global setting

  1. Delete a global setting by opening the setting and clicking Delete.