You are here: Admin Mode > Customize Edit Mode > Working with Properties > Field Order in the Page Types and Tabs

Field Order in the Page Types and Tabs

All fields (properties) that the editor can fill with information have a certain order, which is managed on the page type in Admin mode. All properties can be placed on different tabs and each tab can have different access rights. Using these functions, we can create as simple a form as possible for the editors. Those who require the advanced sections the least only have access to the tab(s) that the most common fields are placed in.

Change the field order

  1. Select the page type for which you want to change the order of the fields on the Page Type tab.
  2. All properties (fields) are listed on the page in the order that they are in now.
  3. Move a property by clicking the up or down arrow depending on the order you want.
  4. It is also possible to drag and drop the properties to the appropriate position.

Select which tab a certain property is to be placed on

  1. Select the page type with the property you wish to place on a particular tab on the Page Type tab.
  2. Click the name of the property that you wish to modify.
  3. In the Tab drop-down list you can select on which tab the relevant property is to be placed.
  4. Click Save.