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Working with Properties

Each page type contains a number of properties and it is these properties that generate the fields in the page type. All properties must be linked with the .aspx page that displays the content on the page and it is for this reason that new properties are not often created.

Add / Edit Properties

The Add / Edit Property dialog is split into two tabs: Common Settings and Custom Settings.The Custom Settings tab is only used for properties that are based on property type XHTML string (>255). Further information about this can be found in the Configuring HTML Editor section.

Add a new property

  1. Select the page type where the property is to be added on the Page Type tab in Admin mode and click Add Property.
  1. Enter a name in the Name field. This is used when programming and making language settings.
  2. Select a property type in the Type field. There are a number of different property types to choose from: integer, string, page, date, etc. It is also possible to create your own property types. Read more about this in "Custom Property Types".

    If you select type "XHTML String (>255)", the Presentation control drop-down list will be enabled and you will be able to select whether you wish to use the TinyMCE HTML Editor or the EPiServer CMS 5 HTML Editor.

The Presentation control drop-down list will only display the options TinyMCE HTML Editor / EPiServer CMS 5 Editor if the web.config file has been configured to allow multiple HTML Editors. Further information about setting up web.config to allow multiple Editors can be found on EPiServer World.

  1. Select whether you want a default value for the property.
  2. Specify whether the field should be unique for a certain language if the website has activated support for globalization by selecting the Unique value per language check box.
  3. Specify if the field is compulsory or not with the Value must be entered check box.
  4. Specify whether the fields are to be searchable or not with the Searchable property check box.
  1. Specify whether the field is to be visible in Edit mode with the Display in Edit mode check box.
  2. Specify a heading for the property in the Field name field. The text is displayed for the editor when using the page type, if the field is not language-encoded.
  3. Specify help text in the Help Text field. The text is displayed for the editor when using the page type, if the field is not language-encoded.
  4. Select the tab on which the property is to be displayed, in the Tab drop-down list.

Field Order in the Page Type and Tabs

Default Value of Field

Mandatory Fields

Field Searchability in the Search Engine

Hide Fields in Edit Mode

Add / Edit Tabs

Custom Property Types