You are here: Admin Mode > Customize Edit Mode > Languages in Edit and Admin Mode > Modify Texts in Edit Mode

Modify Texts in Edit Mode

In order to make EPiServer CMS as simple to use as possible, the language can be modified in Edit mode so that it suits the language that the editors are used to. All text found in Edit and Admin mode is language encoded. The language is controlled several files for each language. LanguageXX.xml is the main file that contains text that applies to Edit and Admin mode, while langXX.xml contains text that applies to the supplied and modified page types and page templates.

You should make the changes in a new XML file which you save in the \root\lang\ directory for the site on your server. EPiServer CMS imports all XML files in alphabetical order; the XML file that is last in this order is the properties that the system imports.

Change existing texts as follows:

Many of our templates have an Author field, in which the editor enters his/her name as being responsible for the page contents. Our organization now wants to replace the word Author with Writer and also wants to change the help text displayed for this field.

  1. Start by opening the langEN.xml file in Notepad or other similar Editor. (The Editor must support UTF-8)
  2. Copy the file contents to a new file.
  3. Edit the properties you want to change, in this case the following:

    <property name="MetaAuthor">
    <help>Specify the author of text that will be used by search engines. If not set, the value in the dynamic property will be used instead.</help>
  4. Change the text you want to amend and save the file with a name that will be listed after langEN.xml when sorted alphabetically.
  5. The results can look like the following example. Always make a copy of the file and carry out modifications in the copy, to prevent problems when upgrading EPiServer CMS

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <property name="MetaAuthor">
    <help>Specify the author of text that will be used by search engines. If not set, the value in the dynamic property will be used instead.</help>

It is not always easy to know what is what in the language files. All properties (fields) are easy to recognize. They always start with <property name=””>. The property name is always entered within quotation marks as it is entered in Admin mode. Read more about this in "Working with Properties". If you still find it difficult to find, you can use the search function in the program to search for text and replace it with other text.