Managing Triggered Messages campaigns
Go to Triggers in your Personalization Portal account and select the Campaigns tab.
This page lets you do the following:
- Edit. Click Edit
or on a Triggered Messages campaign Personalization: Describes rules for sending automated personalized emails via an Email Service Provider (ESP) that are triggered by the on-site actions of the email recipient. name to open the configuration page for that campaign so you can edit it.
- Status. Click Activate it
to switch on a campaign or Pause it
to switch off a campaign. The initial state of a newly created Triggered Messages A product that lets you send automated personalized emails via an Email Service Provider (ESP), which are initiated by the the email recipient's on-site actions. is paused.
- Delete. Click Delete
to delete a campaign. A confirmation box appears.
Prioritizing trigger campaigns
On the Campaigns page, you can sort your Triggered Messages A product that lets you send automated personalized emails via an Email Service Provider (ESP), which are initiated by the the email recipient's on-site actions. campaigns in the order you want for them to be fired. Campaigns at the top of the table have the highest priority, and those at the bottom the lowest.
Trigger prioritization occurs whenever two or more triggers criteria are met at the same time. The following rules apply:
- The trigger that is to fire first is prioritized.
- If campaigns are to fire at the same time, the campaign that is higher up in the table is prioritized.
The priority order is especially important if you restrict the number of times a trigger can fire for any one customer A site visitor who has made a purchase on your website. (by defining a Custom campaign-based frequency).
After a campaign’s trigger fires, only the trigger from a trigger campaign Personalization: Describes rules for sending automated personalized emails via an Email Service Provider (ESP) that are triggered by the on-site actions of the email recipient. higher up in the table can fire that day (if it does not exceed the Custom campaign-based frequency). So, in the table of trigger campaigns in the Personalization Portal, if one of the triggers fires, any trigger below it in the list is prevented from firing that day (resets at 00:00 UK time).
Daily triggers are analyzed once a day, and the same daily trigger can fire more than once. For in-session triggers, only one in-session trigger is allowed per session Triggered Messages: A session is a sequence of activity from the same visitor of a website in a limited time. A session expires if there is no activity for certain period of time. If a visitor visits a website again after the preceding session expired, a new session is started.. See also Trigger action limits for how frequency limits interact.
To re-order the priority of your trigger campaigns click the button to the left of a campaign’s name in the Priority column, and drag the campaign to the desired position in the table.
Example of trigger priorities
Within one session Triggered Messages: A session is a sequence of activity from the same visitor of a website in a limited time. A session expires if there is no activity for certain period of time. If a visitor visits a website again after the preceding session expired, a new session is started., a visitor Someone who visits a website using a web browser. In most cases, a visitor can use public functions and services but cannot create content and has limited access to community content. In an SEO context, visitor means the number of visits to a URL through channels (external referrers), direct arrivals, and internal links. (See also visitor groups.) fulfilled the criteria of all five campaigns in the picture below.
The Abandoned basket campaign (position 2) fires first. Although it shares the shortest Time to wait with Optimizely Mobile Push Trigger (position 3), it has a higher position in the table and therefore a higher priority. Abandoned Browse is on top of the table, but with a waiting time of 45 minutes it has a lower priority.
After the Abandoned basket trigger fired, another In-session trigger cannot be fired as only one in-session trigger is allowed per session.
When the visitor starts a new session, only Abandoned browsed product (position 1) qualifies to fire, as now only triggers with a higher position in the table than Abandoned basket are considered.
If the visitor starts a third session, no further in-session trigger can be fired, because the trigger with the highest position in the table has already been fired and the daily Custom campaign-based frequency in this example is limited to 5.
If at the set time of a daily trigger an in-session trigger is to fire, the trigger with the higher position in the table wins.