You are here: Sample Site > Gadgets


A gadget is a small application which can be displayed on the EPiServer OnlineCenter dashboard for quick access. EPiServer OnlineCenter comes with a number of predefined gadgets, for example, viewing form postings and changed web pages, but there are also gadgets that are specific for each EPiServer product. Read more about gadgets in EPiServer OnlineCenter and how to use them, see the EPiServer Web Help.

You can use some of the gadgets in iPhone or iPad, see EPiServer Mobile Center.

You can also develop and customize your own gadgets to suit your needs, see the technical documentation on EPiServer World.

Gadgets that are specific for EPiServer Commerce are described in the following.

Commerce Orders Gadget

Commerce Overview Gadget

Comment Approval Gadget

Comment Abuse Report Gadget

Commerce Settings for CMO Gadget


Version: EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP2| Last updated: 2012-09-20 | Copyright © EPiServer AB | Send feedback to us