WARNING! Securing your Ektron site is critical to you and to anyone using your site. Failure to implement security measures can make your site vulnerable to cyber-attacks and other security threats. You should complete the actions in this section to make Ektron as secure as possible.
Security updates are available for Ektron versions 8.02, 8.5, 8.6, 8.6.1, 8.7, 9.00, 9.10, and 9.20, including all service packs from 8.02 to 9.10 SP2. For information, see Security Update 3.
NOTE: If you changed the admin password during site setup, you do not need to change it again.
IMPORTANT: You should create your own Administrator user and delete the Admin user. Also, delete unnecessary users from Ektron.
NOTE: If you changed the builtin user password during the site setup, you do not need to change it again. See Editing the builtin username and password for additional information. Also, the “builtin” user does not appear in the Users list. This user appears on the application setup screen.
NOTE: If you cannot sign in to Ektron because the builtin user password was changed and you do not know the new password, use the BuiltinAccountReset.exe
utility. This resets your Ektron user / password to Builtin / Builtin. This utility is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Ektron\CMS400versionnumber\Utilities
By default, the root folder in Workarea provides the Everyone Group with all permissions except Overwrite Library. You should review the permission needs of the Everyone Group when you add a folder. See also: Managing folder and content permissions.
Click on the Everyone group. The Edit Permissions for Folder "Root" appears.
Ektron includes sample CMS users and membership users for evaluation and demonstration purposes. Remove these users when they are no longer needed.
NOTE: Some users in the following lists might not appear in your user list. Also, you might have sample users that appear in your users lists. This depends on your Ektron version.
Ektron users. See also: Managing users and user groups
Membership users. See also: Membership users and groups
A group account is an account used by more than one person to log in to Ektron using the same username and password. This is a serious security issue because it prevents you from tracking user activities in your Workarea. Group accounts violate Ektron's license agreement.
IMPORTANT: Typically, the \workarea\services\path
is used in 3-tier implementations. Review your site architecture and configure access to support accordingly.
You need to restrict services to specific IP addresses in IIS 7.
. If you're using Windows 8 or 2012, press the Windows key (You need to restrict Web servicesEktron Windows Service uses Windows Web Services to perform these activities: • Schedules the future publication and removal of content. • Transmits notifications that a sync should be started between the staging and production servers. • In the 3-Tier feature, transfers data between servers. to specific IP addresses in IIS 7.
. If you're using Windows 8 or 2012, press the Windows key (INETMGR
. If you're using Windows 8 or 2012, press the Windows key (As of version 8.50, user data is no longer indexed directly under the Assets folder. The /users/
folder may expose user data, such as your users email addresses, when browsing to this folder. Prevention was made within the Ektron handlers to address this issue in version 8.00, but you should review and remove the following folder [site root]\Assets\users
if you have version 8.50 or later. If the users
folder exits, you should delete it.
Enable only file types that your website needs to support.
Ektron strongly recommends configuring a secure socket layer (SSLSecure Sockets Layer (https)), especially if you are using Active Directory integration. SSL encrypts user names and passwords during transmissions to the Ektron server that are otherwise sent as clear text. See Updating web.config to use SSL.
If your Web server does not have an SSL certificate, install one. If you set up an SSL certificate and configure Ektron to use it, the login page is launched in a Secure Socket Layer.
After completing this procedure, the Ektron Workarea and your website require the https
protocol—URLs beginning with http
no longer work.
To set up SSL for Ektron:
Your server has an SSL certificate. See http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc731977%28v=ws.10%29.aspx.
to true
to the server port that you want to use for SSL communications.
to true.
.See also: How to Set Up SSL on a Server.
If you are using a self-signed certificate, follow these additional steps.
The following measures are also recommended.
.<add key="ek_EnableCookieEncryption" value="true" />
NOTE: After making this change, you must reset IIS.
Enable Captcha for new user signup and other membership features. Captcha prevents automated tools from creating unwanted data and traffic on your site. Set the Membership server controlA server control uses API language to interact with the CMS and Framework UI to display the output. A server control can be dragged and dropped onto a Web form and then modified.'s EnableCaptcha
property to true. See Membership Properties.
, do not use another extension. The .config
extension is secured, but another extension may make the backup file readable. (For example, web.BAK.config
is secured, but web.config.BAK
is not!).zip
files on your site.See Extended Log File Format and W3C Extended Log File Format (IIS 6.0).
for non-admin accounts.