About the Campaign Report Tab
To create a statistics report for a , go to the Report menu, which contains the following tabs:
- Overview gives you an overview about how the campaign is proceeding with the campaign details, general statistics for visits, referrers and a summary of the existing KPIs and conversion paths.
- General Statistics gives you detailed statistics of the campaign pages, including number of visits, new and returning visitors, number of page views, visit duration times, user information, browser types. General statistics will always be collected and monitored for all pages in a campaign during the campaign period. Refer to About General Statistics.
- is optional and will provide details about how many visitors that performed the desired action if you created KPIs under Settings > KPI Settings. Refer to About Key Performance Indicators.
- Conversion Path is optional and will provide details about the visitors’ navigation to the if you created paths under Settings > Conversion Paths. Refer to About Conversion Paths.
- Live Monitor gives you a real-time view of visitors to the campaign pages on the website including the originating source information of your visitors. Refer to About Live Monitor.
To export and print the report, see Exporting or Printing Campaign Results.
Version: EPiServer CMO 2 R2 | Last updated: 2011-09-21 | Copyright © EPiServer AB | Send feedback to us