Campaign Monitor (CM) is an intuitive, graphical dashboard that shows you in real-time how your campaigns are performing.You can plan and budget for an estimated KPI value for the campaign period and monitor the result in real-time. CM allows you to select which web pages you want to include in a campaign. You can monitor and get detailed information about the campaign pages by the following tabs:
As EPiServer CMO is a module integrated with EPiServer CMS, all of the pages involved in the campaign monitor must first be created in the corresponding EPiServer CMS website. The campaign monitor collects statistics from selected EPiServer CMS pages that have been included in the campaign.
If you have a website and want to monitor web pages in different languages, create one campaign for each language version to use the statistics for comparison.
The campaign monitor is not intended to replace a web statistics tool, where all your pages will be included in a campaign and the campaign period is very long. Our recommendation is that a campaign includes up to approximately 50 pages and that the period of an active campaign is up to two months.
Version: EPiServer CMO 2 R2 | Last updated: 2011-09-21 | Copyright © EPiServer AB | Send feedback to us