You are here: About the Campaign Monitor > About the Campaign Settings Tab > Adding a Campaign

Adding a Campaign

A campaign can include both KPIs and conversion paths or each of them separately.

To create a campaign, go to CampaignsAdd campaignSettings.

To edit and stop and an ongoing campaign, see Changing a Campaign.

Step 1: Details / Pages

All new campaigns need to contain campaign details and a definition of the pages included. Add the details as follows:

  1. In Select Language, select the language you want to use for the campaign. Available languages are the ones that have been activated in EPiServer CMO. You have the following options:
  2. In Name, type the name of the campaign. Choose a meaningful name that will help you easily distinguish between a large amount of campaigns.
  3. In Campaign Owner, type the name of the owner of the campaign.
  4. Browse and select a start date and end date for the campaign. You can schedule a campaign to start in the future. If you leave the current date suggested by default, the campaign will start immediately after saving your campaign. The start date can be changed up until the campaign has been activated. The end date can be changed during the campaign.
  5. In Description, type a descriptive text about the campaign.
  6. In Selected Campaign Pages, select the pages you want to include in the campaign by clicking Add Page. In Select Page, select the web pages on your site by using the arrows and clicking OK. The name and thumbnail of each page is displayed by default, and you can change to see your selected pages in a list view instead. You can also remove pages by clicking Delete.
  7. Click KPI Settings or Save to activate the campaign. If you save the campaign, you can click Refresh Thumbnails to see your web pages.

Step 2: KPI Settings

This step is optional. For more information about KPI Types and KPI Entity, see About Key Performance Indicators. Add one or several KPIs for each web page as follows:

  1. In KPI Entity, select entity.
  2. In General Campaign KPI, click Add new KPI to add campaign-based KPIs that measures your entire campaign. Proceed with the following settings:
    1. In Name, type the name of the KPI. Choose a meaningful name that will help you easily distinguish between a large amount of KPIs.
    2. In Value, type a value of how much one user action is worth in the campaign. Use full stop as separator if you want to use a value with decimals.
    3. In Expected Value, type an expected value for all user actions during the campaign period. The expected value must be greater than in Value. Use full stop as separator if you want to use a value with decimals.
    4. In KPI Type, select one of the following and enter information:
      • Generic > External Application, select the application name you want to add to your campaign. The name contains a specific ID for the data source in to identify the external application integrated with EPiServer CMO. To populate the list, see Administering External Applications Settings.
      • Conversion Path > Conversion Path, select the conversion page in your campaign.
    5. Click Add to save and connect the KPI to the web page.
  3. In Campaign Pages KPI, click Add new KPI to add page-based KPIs that measures the pages included in your campaign. Proceed with the following settings:
    1. In Name, type the name of the KPI. Choose a meaningful name that will help you easily distinguish between a large amount of KPIs.
    2. In Value, type a value of how much one user action is worth in the campaign. Use full stop as separator if you want to use a value with decimals.
    3. In Expected Value, type an expected value for all user actions during the campaign period. The expected value must be greater than in Value. Use full stop as separator if you want to use a value with decimals.
    4. In KPI Type, select one of the following and enter information:
      • Page Views, will count the number of visits to the selected web pages in the campaign.
      • HTTP Referrers > Referrer URL, type the URL for the referrer, for example the search results on a keyword using a search engine.
      • Form > Form name, select the form to be added to the KPI (Form name will be populated by existing forms on the website). If you select Enter manually, type the form name manually, for example, a form that you have not created yet.
      • Download > File URL, type the URL for your download page, for example, a report or a file.
    5. Click Add to save and connect the KPI to the web page.

Saving the Campaign or Adding Conversion Paths

When you have added KPIs in your campaign, you have the following options:

Step 3: Conversion Paths

This step is optional. For more information about conversion paths, see About Conversion Paths. Add one or several conversion paths for each campaign as follows:

  1. Click the Conversion Path tab > Add New Conversion Path.
  2. In Conversion Path Name, type the name of the conversion path. Choose a meaningful name that will help you easily distinguish between a large amount of conversion paths.
  3. Select 2–4 pages in your campaign by using the arrows. You can also change the sort order by using the arrows.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Click Save to save and activate the campaign. Note that when you have activated your campaign, the conversion path pages and their sort order cannot be changed.


Version: EPiServer CMO 2 R2 | Last updated: 2011-09-21 | Copyright © EPiServer AB | Send feedback to us